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How to Start Facebook Page & Build a Targeted Audience

If you are using a smartphone then you definitely know about Facebook which is the world’s largest social network. Facebook is chatting or sharing social apps and its owner is Mark Jugal burg.

Now a facebook page is common for any one and we go to check the numbers of facebook then many users have multiple facebbok account. Are you know facebook page is the digital certifiate of your carrier i mean if you go for interview then some comapnies check your social profile to check about your past behaviour.

So today I will explain how to create a Facebook account with Professionality. You think I am talking wrong but big software companies check your social profile it is real.

Creating a Facebook account is so easy and the interface to signup facebook comes with different regional languages and it will help peoples to create an account in minutes.

So, lets dive into How to Creata a Facebook account…

How to Create a Facebook Account

To create a Facebook account you need to fill a signup form where you put your personal details like mail, phone number, Dob and more. So have you all doucment then we start the race to create a facebook account.


Open Your browser and Put Url –



Now fillup the detail asking facebook Name, Mobile No or Email, DOB, Gender & the final is password. After filling all click Sign Up.


Now an otp will come to your mobile no or email according to you provide.

Congractulation Your fb Account is created…

After sucessfully creting a facebook account fill your image and details like your job details, education details and your address.

After filing this you need to follow some steps to make your profile good for interviewers. Read the full post to get the knowledge.

Steps to Make Your Fb Account Professional

Before starting you need to fill all details on your FB account because if you don’t fill then these steps I say that is useless. If you don’t fill then fill first then come and checkout these steps.


Now you see your Facebook dashboard and there a blue bar is available at the top. Now you see a create option is available in the top click on it.


Now you think this is the option to create a Facebook page yes you are right because you create a Facebook professional page which attract some good personality follower to your account. This will help you to earn money professionally as well as passively.


Now come to point after clicking create option you need to select page. Now two options appear Business or Brand & Community or Public Figure click on the second option.

fb page


Now fill the all detail ask you to create a page and click continue.


Fill out the page details like the profile picture, cover picture. Now you are done start posting your interest content on that page and that will help you to gain followers.

How to Build Targeted Audience On Facebook

Already i explain about how to create a account and build a facebook page if you complete then you ran on this step.

Basically, Facebook is a platform where you get any kind of targeted audience. On Facebook, you get an audience from different ages, selections, interests or more. It depends on what audience you need.

Now you think i am talking wrong but no if you check the userbase of facebook thne all types people avaialable it may be a aged user or a young user.

STEPS to Select targeted Audience

If your intrest is in cooking then you post content on your facebook page with cooking niches. Mostly uses come to share photos on facebook but if a user find their favourite contenct then he/she follow you & your page and you get a follower or audience.

1.Publish One Particular Nich Content

2.Ste you Frequency Daily

3.Alaways replay the users comment